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News & Dreams From the South Asia Region

Greetings of the season!

Unlike the usual Christmas party every year, the Mumbai Campus decided to celebrate their Christmas party on one of the busiest and most famous streets in Mumbai called Carter Road, quite famous for its sea-facing view and surrounding mangrove forest. It is visited by many people to catch the sun going down the horizon and…
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Greetings of the season!

A Family’s Faith Journey: Reuniting Through Love and Belief

"But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Luke 15:32 (NIV) In a heartwarming story of faith, family, and the power of prayer, let's meet Rajkiran. She began her faith journey in 1998 when she got baptized. Unfortunately,…
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A Family’s Faith Journey: Reuniting Through Love and Belief

Inspiring Nepal Mom Finds Strength in Faith Amid Cancer Battle

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV) In the beautiful country of Nepal, there's a heartwarming story that's captured the hearts of many. Meet Sapta Rai, a loving mom of three who's facing a tough battle with terminal cancer. But she's not alone; she's found incredible strength and…
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Inspiring Nepal Mom Finds Strength in Faith Amid Cancer Battle

Passing the Torch.

As disciples, we must carry on the mission of spreading the Gospel. We have been blessed with wisdom and guidance from those who came before us, and now it is our turn to train the next generation of disciples. The torch has been passed to us, and we must not let it go out. It…
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Passing the Torch.

A Church in Every City

A Church in Every City. That has been the vision of SAMS for many years. And we are making progress! We have partnered with Christ-centered communities in five countries and are seeing God move in powerful ways. SAMS focuses on supporting, training, and multiplying disciples to spread the Gospel of Jesus to over 3 billion…
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A Church in Every City