A Family’s Faith Journey: Reuniting Through Love and Belief

“But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”

Luke 15:32 (NIV)

In a heartwarming story of faith, family, and the power of prayer, let’s meet Rajkiran. She began her faith journey in 1998 when she got baptized. Unfortunately, life’s pressures led her to step away from her church. But the story doesn’t end there.

Fast forward to 2013 when Rajkiran’s son, Haveel, had a chance encounter. His schoolmate invited him to join the Campus Ministry, and by 2014, Haveel became a disciple. He held a deep desire for his family to share in his faith and started praying earnestly.

Seven years later, something wonderful happened. Two devoted church members reached out to Rajkiran’s sister. She began studying the Bible and, in October 2021, found her way to the Lord.

Slowly but surely, Rajkiran and her husband started attending Sunday services. As they studied the Bible with the church members, it was revealed that Rajkiran had once been a dedicated disciple herself. She expressed her heartfelt wish to return to the fellowship.

On December 2nd, a heartwarming moment unfolded as Rajkiran was officially welcomed back to the church, thanks to the love and dedication of her children. Currently, Rajkiran’s husband is also studying the Bible, showing the power of faith and love within the family. As we witness this incredible story of reunion and rediscovery, let’s come together in prayer, hoping that Rajkiran’s husband will also find his way back to the church and the loving embrace of his family. Amen!

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