A Church in Every City

A Church in Every City. That has been the vision of SAMS for many years. And we are making progress! We have partnered with Christ-centered communities in five countries and are seeing God move in powerful ways.

SAMS focuses on supporting, training, and multiplying disciples to spread the Gospel of Jesus to over 3 billion people in Southeast Asia. We work with Christ-centered communities in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Pakistan.

Our goal is to see vibrant, thriving churches in every city and town throughout the region.

Each of these communities is unique, with its own challenges and opportunities. But we work tirelessly to help them grow and flourish. We provide training programs for pastors and church leaders, spiritual retreats for youth groups, and discipleship resources for new believers.

And we are seeing results! Thousands of people have come to know Christ, and many churches are flourishing as they reach out to their communities with the love and hope of Jesus.

So if you want to be part of something bigger than yourself, if you want to see God move in powerful ways, join us on this journey to build A Church in Every City. We need your help and support to continue this important work, so let’s get started today!

Thank you for being part of the SAMS community and for joining us on this mission. Together we can make a difference in the lives of millions of people across Southeast Asia. Let’s go!

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